Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Drone Flying Course

Attending this course with the guidance of Eugene Tsai has helped me fully understand the fundamentals of flying a drone. Eugene's well thought out and clear cut instructions made the entire process of learning easy to follow which has allowed me to take in a dense amount of content with ease. Moreover, throughout the lesson, Eugene Tsai would always priotize our safety while handling the drone which made me feel very comfortable.

Friday, March 31, 2017

Introductory Drone Class

I attended the introductory drone class on March 18th. Needless to say, it was a rewarding experience which taught me everything I needed to know about flying drones as a beginner.

First we had a conceptual lesson where we went through all the different parts of the drone and their functions. This was useful and helpful as the information we learned made flying the drone later much easier. We also learned a lot of safety procedures which ensured that we would all remain safe while setting up and flying the drone.

What surprised me was the importance of team work. Before I thought that only one person was needed to fly a drone, but this class made it clear that a team of people is necessary for safe flying. By working together, we were all able to successfully fly and land a drone.

Overall, this was an awesome lesson and I'm grateful for the experience! Thank you to all the skilled, experienced instructors who helped out.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Eugene Tsai Our Coach from BrixPlay

The introductory drone class that I participated in on March 18th was a fulfilling success. I answered all the initial questions I had about flying drones and learn many new things I had not known before.

Eugene went into very specific details about the mechanics and engineering of the drone itself and it was very helpful to get a deeper look into what was beyond my eyes. The compartments of the battery and sensors were surprising to me when we had to manually place them in and plug them in accordingly to the color of the wires. I own a DJI Mavic Pro and the simplicity of that drone differs spectacularly from the 3DR IRIS drone.

Although the IRIS drone is very heavy on equipment and controls, the manpower, collaboration, and minute details of the flight process are what Eugene emphasizes to us. He believes that a team of flyers are far more effective than a single one. Through collaboration and cooperation we can learn to fly all kinds of drones safely, professionally, and effectively. I am very grateful for this lesson. Thank you very much Eugene.

Below is a picture of myself and my team learning from Eugene: